Consejo Municipal de Voluntariado Candelaria

Promoviendo el desarrollo a través del voluntariado en Candelaria, Valle del Cauca.

Invitación pública Asamblea Anual de Reactivación.

El Municipal de CANDELARIA

Candelaria, un municipio colombiano ubicado en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, es un lugar que combina tradición, progreso y la pujanza de sus habitantes. Situado a solo 19 kilómetros de Cali, esta localidad se erige como un punto estratégico en la región, conectando a importantes corregimientos como El Carmelo, Villa Gorgona, Cabuyal, Juanchito y la Central de Abastecimiento del Valle del Cauca, que, aunque no forman parte del Área Metropolitana del Sur Occidente de Colombia, son vitales para la dinámica económica y social de la zona.

Candelaria es reconocida por su fertilidad agrícola, siendo un importante productor de caña de azúcar, uno de los pilares económicos del Valle del Cauca. Sus extensos cultivos no solo son un símbolo de su riqueza natural, sino también un testimonio del esfuerzo y dedicación de sus pobladores, quienes han sabido aprovechar los recursos de la tierra para impulsar el desarrollo de la región.

Además de su vocación agrícola, Candelaria se destaca por su cercanía a Cali, lo que la convierte en un enclave clave para el comercio y la movilidad regional. Su ubicación privilegiada permite a sus habitantes acceder fácilmente a los servicios y oportunidades que ofrece la capital vallecaucana, mientras mantienen la calidez y autenticidad de un municipio que conserva sus raíces y tradiciones.

Los candelareños son el corazón de este territorio. Su espíritu trabajador y emprendedor se refleja en cada rincón del municipio, desde los campos de cultivo hasta las pequeñas y medianas empresas que han florecido gracias al esfuerzo colectivo. La comunidad se caracteriza por su unión, resiliencia y capacidad para enfrentar desafíos, lo que ha permitido a Candelaria crecer y posicionarse como un referente de progreso en la región.

En Candelaria, la cultura y la tradición también ocupan un lugar especial. Sus festividades, como las fiestas patronales en honor a la Virgen de la Candelaria, son una muestra de la riqueza cultural y el fervor religioso que identifica a sus habitantes. Estas celebraciones no solo fortalecen el tejido social, sino que también atraen a visitantes de otras partes del departamento y del país.

Candelaria es mucho más que un municipio cercano a Cali; es un símbolo de pujanza, trabajo y progreso. Sus tierras fértiles, su gente emprendedora y su ubicación estratégica la convierten en un lugar lleno de oportunidades y potencial. Candelaria es, sin duda, un orgullo para el Valle del Cauca y un ejemplo de cómo el esfuerzo y la dedicación de una comunidad pueden transformar un territorio en un espacio de crecimiento y prosperidad.

El Consejo Municipal de Voluntariado de Candelaria, es un organismo colegiado, autónomo de naturaleza privada, integrados por Organizaciones de Voluntariado (ODV), entidades con Acción Voluntaria (ECAV) y Voluntarios Independientes, son respetuosas, leales, generosas, participativas, formativas y de permanente diálogo y comunicación.

Contribuira al desarrollo integral de las personas y de las comunidades, con fundamento en el reconocimiento de la dignidad de la persona humana y la realización de los valores esenciales de la convivencia ciudadana a saber: La vida, la libertad, la solidaridad, la justicia y la paz; Fomentara, a través del servicio desinteresado, una conciencia ciudadana generosa y participativa para articular y fortalecer el tejido social.

Tendrán derecho a recibir las medidas de apoyo financiero, material y técnico, mediante recursos públicos orientados al adecuado desarrollo de sus actividades, e igualmente a participar en el diseño de políticas públicas y ciudadanas a través de los medios establecidos por la Constitución y la ley para tal fin.

Su marco legal se fundamenta en lo establecido en la LEY 720 DE 2001 (Diciembre 24) Reglamentada por el Decreto Nacional 4290 de 2005. Por medio de la cual se reconoce, promueve y regula la acción voluntaria de los ciudadanos colombianos. Cuyo Objeto indica. La presente ley tiene por objeto promover, reconocer y facilitar la Acción Voluntaria como expresión de la participación ciudadana, el ejercicio de la solidaridad, la corresponsabilidad social, reglamentar la acción de los voluntarios en las entidades públicas o privadas y regular sus relaciones.

Los Alcaldes a nivel municipal, darán fe la constitución de los Consejos Municipales de sus integrantes y de sus directivos.

EL Consejo Municipal de Voluntariado

La Funsión Principal del CMV-Candelaria

Fomentamos el desarrollo integral de la comunidad en Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, a través del compromiso y la acción voluntaria, incentivando la participación de personas solidarias y dispuestas a generar un impacto positivo en su entorno. Creemos en el poder del voluntariado como una herramienta clave para la transformación social, por lo que organizamos y apoyamos diversas actividades de interés general en múltiples áreas, incluyendo educación, salud, medio ambiente, cultura, recreación y asistencia humanitaria.

Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.
A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.

Nuestro enfoque está basado en la cooperación, el trabajo en equipo y la construcción de redes de apoyo que permitan atender las necesidades más apremiantes de la población, al tiempo que fortalecemos valores fundamentales como la solidaridad, la responsabilidad social y el respeto por el bienestar común. A través de programas de formación, campañas de sensibilización y proyectos de intervención directa, buscamos empoderar a la comunidad, brindándole herramientas para mejorar su calidad de vida y fomentar una sociedad más equitativa y sostenible.

Cada acción que emprendemos está orientada a generar un cambio significativo y duradero, promoviendo iniciativas que incentiven el liderazgo comunitario y la corresponsabilidad social. Creemos que el desarrollo es un proceso colaborativo, donde la participación activa de los ciudadanos es esencial para la construcción de un futuro más próspero, justo e inclusivo para todos en Candelaria y sus alrededores.

A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.
A group of people gathered around a table covered by a canopy situated in an urban neighborhood setting. They are engaged in conversation or community activities. The area has various houses and buildings with visible electric poles and wires overhead. Children and adults are present, some standing and others seated.

Servicios Comunitarios

Promovemos el voluntariado en diversas áreas para el desarrollo social y comunitario en Candelaria.

Actividades Sociales

Ofrecemos servicios asistenciales, cívicos y educativos para mejorar la calidad de vida en la comunidad.

A large stone with a plaque reading 'The Council Circle' and 'DEDICATED JUNE 4, 2006' is set against a backdrop of a scenic coastal landscape. The ocean waves gently hit the rocky shoreline, with expansive hills and clear skies in the background.
A large stone with a plaque reading 'The Council Circle' and 'DEDICATED JUNE 4, 2006' is set against a backdrop of a scenic coastal landscape. The ocean waves gently hit the rocky shoreline, with expansive hills and clear skies in the background.
Cultura y Educación

Fomentamos actividades culturales y educativas que enriquecen el conocimiento y la convivencia en Candelaria.

Impulsamos la defensa del medio ambiente y la economía local a través de proyectos de voluntariado.

Medio Ambiente
A red and white community events sign with multiple smaller signs underneath. The signs advertise various events including voter registration, a car show hosted by the Milford Lions Club, and a Cub Scouts meeting. In the background, there's a black car and greenery.
A red and white community events sign with multiple smaller signs underneath. The signs advertise various events including voter registration, a car show hosted by the Milford Lions Club, and a Cub Scouts meeting. In the background, there's a black car and greenery.
A group of people seated in a semi-circle appear to be engaged in conversation. They are sitting on chairs in a room with a dark blue paneled wall. Colorful floor cushions and a patterned rug are visible, adding a cozy feel to the setting.
A group of people seated in a semi-circle appear to be engaged in conversation. They are sitting on chairs in a room with a dark blue paneled wall. Colorful floor cushions and a patterned rug are visible, adding a cozy feel to the setting.

Proyectos Sociales

Impulsamos el voluntariado y el desarrollo comunitario en Candelaria.

A group of five people sit around a dark wood conference table in discussion. They appear to be engaged and attentive, with one individual speaking and others listening intently. The group includes both men and women dressed in business casual attire. The background is a plain, light-colored wall.
A group of five people sit around a dark wood conference table in discussion. They appear to be engaged and attentive, with one individual speaking and others listening intently. The group includes both men and women dressed in business casual attire. The background is a plain, light-colored wall.
Actividades Cívicas

Fomentamos el bienestar social y la participación ciudadana.

A group of people are gathered inside a room with muted light filtering through a window. A person wearing a face mask and a red jacket sits on a plastic chair while interacting with a seated woman. Other individuals in the room are engaged in conversations and appear to be involved in a community activity. The walls are bare and some writing is visible. The setting gives the impression of an informal communal space.
A group of people are gathered inside a room with muted light filtering through a window. A person wearing a face mask and a red jacket sits on a plastic chair while interacting with a seated woman. Other individuals in the room are engaged in conversations and appear to be involved in a community activity. The walls are bare and some writing is visible. The setting gives the impression of an informal communal space.
A group of people, including adults and children, are gathered outdoors in a neighborhood setting. Some individuals are interacting with two uniformed police officers. The scene is colorful and lively, suggesting a community event. Residential houses with trees are visible in the background.
A group of people, including adults and children, are gathered outdoors in a neighborhood setting. Some individuals are interacting with two uniformed police officers. The scene is colorful and lively, suggesting a community event. Residential houses with trees are visible in the background.
A group of people dressed in blue shirts sit at tables in a modern, open-space office environment. They are focused on their laptops, with paperwork and personal items scattered on desks. Balloons of various colors are tied to the tables, and a large projector hangs from the ceiling. The backdrop displays a wall with the words 'Community is Everything' and photo collages.
A group of people dressed in blue shirts sit at tables in a modern, open-space office environment. They are focused on their laptops, with paperwork and personal items scattered on desks. Balloons of various colors are tied to the tables, and a large projector hangs from the ceiling. The backdrop displays a wall with the words 'Community is Everything' and photo collages.
Educación Ambiental

Promovemos la defensa del medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad.

Galería de Actividades

Explora nuestras iniciativas de voluntariado y desarrollo comunitario.

A group of young people are sitting together, engaged in lively conversation and possibly studying or participating in a discussion. They are wearing green shirts and have name tags. Some are holding papers, and they all seem to be enjoying the moment with smiles and animated expressions.
A group of young people are sitting together, engaged in lively conversation and possibly studying or participating in a discussion. They are wearing green shirts and have name tags. Some are holding papers, and they all seem to be enjoying the moment with smiles and animated expressions.
A group of people is sitting around a table engaged in a discussion. One person, with long hair, is holding a brochure or pamphlet featuring text, images, and charts. The setting appears to be a meeting room with documents spread out on the table. Items such as a water bottle and pens are visible.
A group of people is sitting around a table engaged in a discussion. One person, with long hair, is holding a brochure or pamphlet featuring text, images, and charts. The setting appears to be a meeting room with documents spread out on the table. Items such as a water bottle and pens are visible.
A group of people are gathered indoors, mostly seated at tables covered with white cloths. An older woman dressed in white is standing with her arms raised, surrounded by others who are listening or engaging with each other. The setting has wooden paneling on the walls and a gray floor, suggesting a community event or gathering.
A group of people are gathered indoors, mostly seated at tables covered with white cloths. An older woman dressed in white is standing with her arms raised, surrounded by others who are listening or engaging with each other. The setting has wooden paneling on the walls and a gray floor, suggesting a community event or gathering.
A group of people is gathered in a well-lit conference room, dressed in formal and semi-formal attire. One woman is wearing a headscarf and a uniform with an official insignia. They appear to be engaging in a conversation, surrounded by tables and chairs with other attendees in the background.
A group of people is gathered in a well-lit conference room, dressed in formal and semi-formal attire. One woman is wearing a headscarf and a uniform with an official insignia. They appear to be engaging in a conversation, surrounded by tables and chairs with other attendees in the background.